
Manpower Strategies

This unit addresses the skills and knowledge required to lead the development, implementation and review of manpower planning strategies. It covers identifying, aligning and evaluating effectiveness of manpower planning in the organization.


  • Identify manpower planning requirements
  • Facilitate the alignment of manpower planning activities with people management/human capital strategies
  • Evaluate and review effectiveness of manpower planning strateg
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1. Identify manpower planning requirements

Monitor and review labour market trends and factors that may impact on organizational manpower planning strategy by analyzing human capital statistics
Review impact of organizational strategies and objectives on manpower planning requirements by consulting with stakeholders
Identify activities and processes that may be used to address organizational manpower planning requirements

2. Facilitate the alignment of manpower planning activities with people management/human capital strategies

Review manpower planning requirements to identify appropriate links to existing or required people management/human capital strategies Facilitate the development of tools and resources to support alignment of manpower planning requirements with people management/human capital strategies

Communicate manpower planning strategy and processes to stakeholders to generate buy-in and build ownership

3. Evaluate and review effectiveness of manpower planning strategy

Identify criteria to evaluate the performance of a manpower planning strategy

Support the development of processes and systems to gather measurement data and feedback from key stakeholders Monitor influences and trends that may impact on manpower planning strategy Analyze data to refine manpower planning strategy